Saturday, February 7, 2009

The 38

So, Sofia and I have been taking the bus every morning to her school this week and every time I catch the bus back I always seem to get this one bus driver who is seriously the best bus driver in the city! He's really friendly and always greets everyone that comes on the bus and says "have a great day folks" when people get off... And what's so unusual is that he calls out every stop and even describes important buildings or landmarks at each stop, including connecting bus lines and where they go. The first time I got this driver, I thought... "he must be having a very good day to be so helpful and in such a good mood". But it's been a full week now, and it never fails... every time I get on his bus he is exactly the same way :) Wow... I almost feel inclined to put in a good word for him at the MUNI office (if there is one). Maybe next week I'll even chat with him a little... what a great bus driver!

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